“The conflict beckoned men of every grade; And from the sporting fields they went, as did the rest, And proved their worth as those whose trade It was to fight. Their souls be blessed Who fell in their desire to save old England” Anon.
The following Southgate Olympic members were lost during World War Two.
Flying Officer D.D. ‘Doug’ Beale, R.A.F.
Killed in a flying accident near Cambridge, December 1942
Leading Aircraftman R.J.S. ‘Ducksie’ Blunn, R.A.F. Killed by enemy action at Waddington, Lincolnshire, May 1941
Sub-Lieutenant E.L. ‘Eddie’ Clark, D.S.M., D.S.C., R.N.V.R. Posted missing at Tobruk, October 1941. Presumed Killed, June 1942. Awarded D.S.M. for continued gallantry to duty while serving off the coast of Norway. Awarded D.S.C. for courage, leadership and resolution in action against enemy in the Mediterranean.
Private A.R.H. ‘Ada’ Wylie, Durham Light Infantry. Killed in action in France, May 1940.
In Memory of Clare Potsos
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